Deal Breakers


We all have our own quirks, our own preferences and absolute turn-offs. "I'd never date someone who ___" or "If they did that to me, we're done."

Good. Know what you want. Take that stand and don't settle for anything less. Love it, keep it going. 

Now, here we go...


It's not so horrible if you decide to look beyond your deal breakers and keep going. Even if it ends up being a mistake again, sometimes we need that extra eye opener to be like "Ok, yeah for sure for sure not going down that alley again."

Take it from someone who has seen "eye-rolling" behavior before to call someone out on their BS, but who also likes to see the good in people.

We have our quirks and sometimes, it takes real good patience to peel through a couple layers to get to the good stuff. I can be that way too. But to be clear, there are differences. 

How can you tell if someone is really just a bad person or if it's something you can get past?

If we could have that kind of radar immediately on someone, we could probably save ourselves a lot of heartache, wasted time and embarrassing moments. Sometimes in those embarrassing moments, we think to ourselves "I think I could have gone without learning that lesson." It can get that bad. But sometimes, we really do need that extra push. You know it's not a good idea, but you take that risk anyway. (Such is life, take a risk and make that mistake) (Ok, but also be smart).

Here's how I measure that: a deal breaker where I wouldn't use that detail to make major decisions is something minor like eyebrow grooming. Not a big deal, but can be enough to make me cringe.

And the game changer? When you (and plenty of others) see how much of a raging jerk someone can be. If someone is making you feel bad internally, feel free to let them go. Emotional damage can be hard to mend than something physical, like growing out your eyebrows. My favorite thing to remember when I feel like I'm being snubbed by karma is this:

You don't need to warn others about the ones with horrible personalities, if it's as bad as you know it is--they'll find out on their own.

This always helps with reminding me not to be spiteful and talk my mouth off about someone else. And even if that person continues to speak badly of you, know your truths. Even, if those truths can be a little embarrassing--the satisfaction for the other person out to hurt you with it won't nearly be as high if you're not surprised by it. 

Hit them with a 

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