Bonding Over a Pizookie


My (not so) baby cousin Danielle just turned 14 earlier this week and I can't help but feel really old since I use to change this girl's diapers!  

Of course, I was in the first grade when she was born...and okay, maybe I didn't exactly change her diapers...Just hovered over with curiosity and prayed to God I wouldn't get peed on.  

But, that's not the point.

The point is in all of my 14 years knowing this little lady, she actually never aged past the age of 5.  So, realizing that she was turning 14 was like...wa-wa-wa-wa-WAIT.  When did you go from 5 to 14!?  And where did you get those already?!  And how do you know what that means?!  Also, did you really just get an iPhone 5 for your 14th birthday!?

In the words of my uncle/her dad, "She got it maaaaade!"

Watching her grow up has been the weirdest and coolest thing.  Why?  Because I used to go from "Ugh, she won't stop following me around!" to "Nooo, don't leave!  I wanna know about your liiiffeeee!"  Her interests and likes resemble a lot like what mine were when I was her age.  Passing down music, clothes, books, and advice makes me feel so old and wise and Yoda-like.  

There are two things that really bring us together: baking and fan-girling over Dave Franco.  (This girl keeps me young.)

So after reaching the part where we both realized we watched Dave Franco's Funny or Die videos, it got a little awkward...

So, we decided to bake.  And ya wanna know what we baked?  A pizookie.  But not just any pizookie...


Obviously, we'll never get it as good as BJ's does, but we came pretty dang close.

I found the Cookies and Cream cookie recipe here, and added white chocolate chips to add a little bit of originality to it.  It's a different take on the Oreo pizookie since this cookie was basically a regular cookie stuffed with Oreos.

It's a pretty short recipe and definitely easy to make.  

 I do have one piece of advice...If you are planning on baking this for less than 5 people in a 9 inch round pan, it might be best to put a fairly thin layer of cookie dough to fill the pan and use the rest of it to make cookies--to use as mini pizookies or just having some cookies.

But, we didn't think of that.

Instead, we just shared a part in the middle of the pan and saved the edges (my favorite part) for little cookies squares (ish)!  

There was probably a better way we could have gone on about this, but we were a bit too excited to eat this that we couldn't think straight.
So we live and we learn and hope to do better next time.
(Hey Daniellesters, write that one down!)

But overall, we had the best time making this and it was kinda cool listening to her vent to me about friends, school, and boys--ya know, all that teenage stuff :)

I hope you all have just a good time making this as we did!

And lastly, my quickie recommendation:

But, here's another piece of advice...If you're going to take embarrassing pictures on someone's phone...don't expect it not to haunt you ;)

love you little one :)!!!
P.S. Don't be afraid to laugh at yourself every once in awhile..
*Perfectly put caption, courtesy of the "I'd Cap That" app

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