

Guyzzzzzzz, it's my 100th post!!!

So crazy!  I only started this blog a year ago, so I probably should've made a 100 awhile ago, but ask me if I care!  Because I totally don't!

Anyways, I thought I'd make this a true "all things Cass" post and tell you all about me :)!
(Me, currently)

All Things Sweet
I have the biggest sweet tooth.  And growing up in my household, it was hard to love it because my dad was like the candy police.  Every time we went out to the grocery store (or Sweet Factory when it still existed!) I'd have to hide all evidence of the cavity-coated confections.  But you should know that gummy worms are my fave (I recommend freezing them!!)  Having a sweet tooth only becomes a problem when you uncover the ways of having it all the time--by making sweet things at home.  And let me tell you...I. Love. To. Bake.  Seriously.  It became a big problem when I was in high school 'cause every other week, I was showing up to school with cupcakes, cookies, brownies, etc.  Admittingly, I'm really good at following the directions on the back of the box ;) but through the years, I've picked up a few things here and there and absolutely love baking things from scratch.
     (Me & a gummy snake, aka my life's dream)                   (What you call--slutty brownies)

All Things Family
I'm the youngest out of four girls--all girls, absolutely no brothers (except in-laws).  Props to my mom & dad for raising such a group of wild things because we're definitely a handful (but which kids aren't, really?!).  And we also could not be any different and we don't look alike at all!  Let's go in chronological order, shall we?  Jackie is the smart & wise one who I consult with before I make any big decision (she knows the answer to everything & loves to play the big sister card, "Well, you tell them that your sister said..."), Kathleen is the driven one who never takes no for an answer (she's also the best one to call for spontaneous outings), and Marylou is the pretty one who is literally my at-home-make-up-artist-and-stylist.  I always think of us as the bits and pieces of my parents in one big, human form.  My dad is one of the smartest men I know who will call out any injustice as he sees them, he'll talk your ear off about all things history--he's a walking encyclopedia.  My mother is the sweetest and most selfless woman I'd ever known.  A beautiful person inside and out who laughed at the silliest things and reminded you to not mind those who treated you unkindly.  

All Things Obsessions
Oreos.  Candy.  The colors coral & mint green.  One Tree Hill.  Bracelets.  Doughnuts.  Naps.  Weddings.  Choosing future dog names. Socks (that's actually a future dog name, too).  Ikea.  Stationary.  Finding new music.  Soup.  Combat boots.  Cowboy boots.  Boots.  Lots and lots of boots.  Nicknames. Non-happy endings.  Research the crizzap out of things (is that a real something to be obsessed with?) (yes.).  Parallelism.  Daisies.  Beanies.  Polaroids.  Pizza.  The end.

All Things Strange & Awkweird
I should probably tell you basic things about me, but surface things won't do you any good!  The important things are the facts--the stories, the time I first got stitches, how I tricked my family into thinking I was a child genius and knew how to read (but really I just had my cousin read it to me over and over again until I memorized it like song lyrics), and how I like to keep my volume at even numbers.  Oh, and the day I asked my sister what my name looked like and when she wrote it down I said, "That's really long.  Are you sure that's my name?"  And a life lesson: never agree to get your haircut just because you want to go to someone's house...because you will come back with the worst haircut of your life and cry about it for months.  (That traumatic moment had me crying over every haircut I ever got after that.) More importantly, in the event of choosing an essay over going to the concert of your favorite band--always choose the concert, always.  And the best way to get me to say yes to anything is to somehow involve pizza or doughnuts.  

I hope you learned a little more about me!  I feel weird talking about myself, sometimes--I'd rather tell it in stories!

*I've been working on this post for the past month and a half and refused to post anything else until my 100th right! --end reason for being MIA for almost two months!

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