When Things Pick Up


Before I graduated college, I imagined I would sleep in and do nothing for the next year just to recover from how busy and non-stop I'd been. When chapters in your life end, things shift and change in different ways. Academically, life slowed down with not having to do homework, write papers or go to school every week (Strangely, I kind of miss it). But then, that's when "adulthood" kicks in. The call to adulthood isn't exactly the same for everyone. When it rings, you either pick it up and dive right in, or let it ring, go to voicemail so you can deal with it later.
As much as I cursed those sleepless nights and how much my brain felt fried, I didn't want to stop. I know I'll never lose my sense of childhood and being a kid at heart, but at the very end...you realize that you've prepared for this moment, to build your world from the ground up--the foundation set once you learned all you needed.
I miss school not exactly for the assignments, but because I love learning. I love being inspired and finding mentors and befriending others so we can continue to encourage each other to keep pushing.
I used to pass on social events because of school but now my only excuse is that I need to have a moment to myself or that I'm due for a date with Netflix. THAT is pretty cool.
And then the moments I do have that I'm not binge-watching, I'm trying out things I've always wanted to. Whether it's joining a soccer team (which was super tough), learning coding & programming, joining a women's group, getting back into skateboarding, my music and personal blog, or my very favorite, cleaning & rearranging my room--I'm always looking for ways to grow. Sometimes I feel like I'm busier than I was during school, but this time I'm not doing things like writing papers or taking tests for teachers--I'm really taking the reigns for myself.

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