Labor Day Weekend in Chicago


As you may know, I go to Chicago every year to visit my family. And every year, it's one of my favorites and it's a new experience every time. I thought I had done all of the touristy stuff after going so many times, but this time around...I decided I wanted to do the touristy stuff again and I couldn't have picked the worse weekend. It was so crowded and so many different events were going on. It was a little crazy lol. One of my favorite things to do (and it's like something I demand) is have at least one day dedicated to family time. This time around, most of my cousins and sisters have kids so we did all headed out to a baseball game in the lil' suburb of Schaumburg. It was hot and we got free hot dogs, but it was a great time for us! Coming home from that trip was definitely hard, but I countered that sadness by watching plenty of episodes of "The Office." It's been my cure for any kind of downers I feel myself get in :)

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