From Babies to Babies


One of my very best friends is having a baby and my friends and I had the honor of helping putting together a gender reveal party. And the exciting part? She's having a BOY!!

It's important that I acknowledge that Bea and I have known each other for a pretty long time--back when we had no idea how to spell our names, but knew we loved going to the same sitter (her Gramz). Not very many people are lucky enough to say they've stayed best friends with the first friend they've ever made. When your adventures together start at the age of 4, you can imagine how many small and big moments we've seen each other go through. And when we were younger, we were pretty set on how our future would look: We'd live together forever (obviously) in a "car-house" (what you would consider a trailer) that had immediate access to the mall--hoping that one day the universe would change the rules and say, "Actually, you ARE sisters!" For years and years, the outlook of our future would change. No longer would we live in a trailer in the parking lot of a mall, but we'd be the dynamic duo of bestie fashion designer & hair stylist or the lawyer & optometrist that our high school imaginations would lead us. We've grown so much together and there was even a time when we grew apart, but we'd been friends for too long to know it was not something we'd eventually grow out of.

Today, the future looks a little more like we do whatever the heck we want to because we're grown ass women who hold our own, and it's brighter than ever. Most importantly, I get to witness Bea raising her baby boy with all of the love and joy she's already surrounded him with, how lucky is he?
P.S. Major cred to my cousin Richard on the photos!

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