New York Pt. I


If there's anything I've always been sure of--it was New York. 
It's the concrete jungle where dreams are made of, right? And as good 'ol Frank Sinatra said, "If I can make it there, I'll make it anywhere."
So I made it there.
I'll back things up a bit because I was excited, yet terrified at the same time to go to New York. 
Because I had spent years dreaming, longing, and falling in love with a place I had never been to, and I've heard stories about things like that, where you build things up so much that you don't realize it's just the idea and not the real thing. And they almost always end disappointingly. 
Thankfully, that wasn't the case for me at all. The thing about New York is that it's insanely amazing. Yes, it's the place everyone sings about. Yes, it's where everyone dreams of going. Yeah, you might  walk onto a movie set. And yes, it's the place where Chuck and Blair said those three words with eight letters. But even better, "Friends" took place here.
It's really so much more than that. It's filled with opportunity, history, scenery, AND THE ORIGINAL SHAKE SHACK (this is important).
But more so, the history. Ol' New York was once New Amsterdam. Why'd they change it? I can't say, people just liked it better that way ;)
After an hour flight from LAS to LAX, I was on a red-eye to JFK, and I'd wake up to the sun rising over New York City :) Then I met up with my sister, bro-in-law, and niece, and we checked into our hotel and spent our day in the city.
Had to start with an #OOTD :)

Top of the Rock

We walked down 5th Avenue and that was pretty surreal for me. I'd binged on Sex And the City all summer--I think every monument and thing was like a celebrity to me ("Carrie walked down here!" "Charlotte went on runs in Central Park!" "'Your girl is lovely, Hubbell'")

Okay, these next few were very important photo-ops because I practically grew up on the Turner Classic Movie channel, so Audrey Hepburn was a household name. I made it a high priority to make it to Tiffany's and channel my inner Holly Golightly.

It was already lunchtime when I took this and I only had a doughnut to eat in front of the store. Of course, my sister or bro-in-law weren't familiar with that movie scene, so I had my own twist on it. Either way, I still got my "Breakfast at Tiffany's" inspired photo :)
I have to say, I wanted to make sure I enjoyed my trip and took in all of the city and didn't spend most of it trying to take pictures. So we strolled through Central Park on a horse-driven carriage and walked through the city. 
And then, all of our phones died. 
So we trekked through Times Square, made our way through the streets, resorted to dinner at Hard Rock Cafe, stepped into the crowded craziness of a sports store, and tried to get back to the hotel before it got too dark sans smartphones--all with a 3-year-old in tow.

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