PS, it's Fall: Pumpkin Spice Nutella Cookie Bars


If you’re like me, then that means you’re knee-deep in schoolwork, housework and of course, work-work. And if you’re also like me, then you’d like to do everything.
And you might put some of your needs ahead or behind others or you might fall asleep while doing homework or ditch a family outing because of other engagements with friends, or you might’ve promised to do one thing for a person, or end up chopping an arm or leg because you want to be in two places at once.
Well, I have some news for you:

You cannot make everyone happy, you are not Nutella.

When I’m stressed or completely overwhelmed, I love to indulge. It could be pasta, naps, Gilmore Girls on Netflix, or just sweets.
This week, it’s sweets. More specifically, Nutella.
I stumbled upon this recipe from Crazy for Crust’s blog. And it was fate.
Our two suspects?
Pumpkin Spice and Nutella
Some people may disagree, but separately, these two products are highly addictive. And I am guilty of this, completely.
What’s so special about Nutella?
Well, it’s a hazelnut spread—its two major ingredients are hazelnut and cocoa. What some people don’t know is that the really fancy schmancy chocolate Ferrero Rocher (you know, the chocolate ball wrapped in gold foil with a brown ruffled skirt-like holder that opens a little funny) is made of Nutella. Depending on whether or not your taste buds enjoy this hazelnut taste, you may have enjoyed a Nutella binge, spreading that chocolate goodness on anything edible.

Now, back to the dessert.

This was a fairly easy thing to bake, just takes some time. The dishes might be an issue, but it was really an easy clean up!

This is when things get interesting.
You’ll see in the directions, that after you’ve spread the “pourable” Nutella over the half-baked crust, you have to smooth over the rest of the cookie crust. You will wonder how to do that smoothly and evenly.

But it will not be smooth or even. It will be like pieces scattered across, somewhat flattened and carefully (and if possible) spread out. Just try to cover as much space as you can. Do your best :)

Bake it all the way through and it should turn out a little like this:

Here’s to another successful baking venture.

What’s your favorite way of winding down?

Happy indulging!

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